The best coffee in London is at Prufrock in Leather Lane. I wish there was more to say than that but there isn’t. The Prufrock team may not be friendly or helpful but they are purists and their coffee is amazing.

But the best coffee isn’t the same thing as the best cafe. In fact, the things that make a cafe great don’t always lead to the best coffee. And vice versa. For example, staff that are fanatical about coffee can be off putting to customers who are a little unsure of themselves.
If you are willing to suffer for your art then coffee carts, slightly rude staff and esoteric menus will not stand in your way. For the die hards it’s got to be:
1. Prufrock at Leather Lane
2. Flat Cap in The City
3. Gwilym’s coffee cart or Prufrock at Present
4. Allpress in Shoreditch
5. Nude Espresso at the Roastery on Brick Lane
These venues are singularly focused on coffee, even when it diminishes them as a cafe. If you’re faithful, you won’t care. In fact, you’ll love them.
Prufrock is the best coffee makers in london