Tickle is a book about using social media as part of your business, brand and marketing. I’ve focused on technology companies because they should be the best at social media. But they’re not.
The name of the book comes from the old practise of tickling a trout. Which is to stalk a fish by getting close without spooking it. The same is true in online marketing where you want to get to know your customer in their natural environment.
The core of the book is new research on how to use social media to intensively target an important customer. B2B companies will find practical advice and some surprising case studies.

The book is available on Amazon as a hardcopy paperback:
- Tickle: Digital marketing for tech companies in paperback
The book is available on Amazon for the Kindle:
- Tickle: Digital marketing for tech companies for Kindle
You can read more about the project on my Amazon author page Peter Thomson Author Page.
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