We are in the middle of the biggest change in business communications since the printing press. The move to mobile email, video calling and social media has made business communications faster and potentially, more personal. When my first boss started his career they used to correspond by post which took a week to arrive. It was a big deal when the firm installed a Telex Machine (like a morse code typewriter) because the message was delivered on the same day that it was written. It’s now easier than ever before to give an important customer a small tickle to let them know that you’re thinking of them.

My new book on social media for tech companies is out now. It’s all about how to use social media to target bigger and bigger clients. Too many social media books just cover mass consumer advertising and teach companies how to spam everyone. This book is for successful professionals inside tech companies and other businesses that need to build real relationships with a decision-maker before closing the sale.
What’s a tickle?
The title of the book comes from the practice of “tickling a trout” which is a technique for fishing by hand. You quietly get close to the fish and make them comfortable with you being there. Then you can simply pick the fish up out of the water without too much stress.

In business, a tickle is just the gentle touch to gradually build a relationship with an important customer. A tickle can be any small gesture that helps the other person and reminds them that you exist.
What’s in the book?
On social media I see so many companies talking mainly about themselves and inadvertently putting off their customers. I’ve also seen too many companies not paying attention to their biggest customers.
Tickle has a section on each of the things that a reader would need to know to confidently implement a social media programme inside their business:
- Understand how your industry is shifting.
- Get closer to your customers.
- Make more personal connections.
- Be known for something specific.
- Make the hard strategic choices.
- Measure everything.
The book has plenty of examples, case studies, checklists and practical things you can implement immediately.
Where is the book available?
The book is available on Amazon Tickle: Digital Marketing for Kindle and you can read more about the project on my Amazon author page Peter Thomson Author Page.
Live online sample chapter:
The permanent home for my books is in the books section of this blog and I’ll be updating that section whenever the book is updated.
I wrote the book over the course of 2012/2013 with some wonderful help from friends and family. Lots of people kept asking who is the book for and why are you writing it? So I’ve been kept on my toes.
What’s next?
The plan from here is to iterate the book through regular versions to improve it as I gradually get feedback. So please let me know your thoughts and ideas for future editions.
The reviews on Amazon make a big difference so please drop by and leave a review: Tickle on Amazon
Think of someone important to you in your own life and give them a tickle today.